Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take the Monrovia style quiz- it's fun

Monrovia nursery has an amazing website full of useful plant information and great images. I also recently stumbled on this style quiz tool, which I thought was a lot of fun. I have seen many of these images before because clients have shown them to me, so maybe you've already stumbled upon the quiz. But if not, give it a try and see if it can interpret your style!
For some of the questions, I felt like I wanted to pick two choices, so I tried the quiz twice. It decided I like a "Contemporary Style" (see image above) and an "Eco-Friendly" style (see images below). I think they are right on both counts. Of course, as a designer, I find almost every garden style fascinating.... so perhaps I'm not the perfect quiz subject.

Feel like the style quiz didn't help you enough? Sage Outdoor Designs can help you find your garden style. Visit our website for more information.


  1. That was pretty fun... its a shame the quiz couldn't tell me that my style is tropical though!
